Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Wouldn't you want them to be incompetent then? BS always flies better with people who don't actually know what you're talking about...
No, I'd want my professor to be incompetent, he's the one grading. There's a speech aspect to the presentation, and I'm just doing the paper. What I've seen so far of the speech element suggests that they don't know what we're talking about. If we have to answer questions verbally, that would be a very, very bad thing. I'm considering grilling them over it this evening.
Oh... So you're working /with/ them. Gotcha.
So I'm doing SAT prep work. It's an online course, and the math quiz I was doing right then consisted of 50 problems spread out over five pages. The problems were difficult, you know, because I forgot to get scratch paper and was too lazy to walk upstairs to get some, so I'm graphing functions and solving for three variables in my head for half an hour until finally... I FINISH THE FIFTIETH PROBLEM. :D ...... And then I realize that somewhere in between loading the fifth page and finishing the test my mom's laptop had gone offline for no reason and the only way to get it back is to restart her computer. And lose all of my answers. FML.
...I didn't see you edited this, so I was all "holy shit, a meth quiz? wtf kind of class is this".

:C Sorry man.
Not studying for my Bio test tomorrow, which I will regret. Oh well.

I want to have another picnic in an old cemetery like yesterday, but not in a crackhead neighborhood and with just me and Cody and not my whole weird family.

Artwork, yay.
Reading trashy fanfic and eating a... something pastry-like with streusel on it.
I couldn't help myself. This is what I get for giving advice to people who can't type, and my heartfelt response:

I thought her name said "Moron" in 1337 :\

You're not a goldfish? Whoa. I thought you were the snack that smiles back all this time.
I totally read 'moron' as well. :D

He's not a goldfish, silly. I would've guessed an Octopus. He just gives of an octopussian air, wouldn't you agree? Octopussian? Hm... Well, it sounds like a word.
I have no internets at home.

So, won't be here much. :(


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