Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 17, 2010 at 2:48pm
Uh yeah... Not so much for me. >.>
Partially to do with me being a total bitch about moving.
Although I have to admit school wise, it's fucking epic.
A school where I'm not with my jackass siblings AND there's fifty billion clubs for me to join with so many people in it I don't need to give two shits about what people think about me?
Nah, for me things were almost entirely suck until I hit 10th grade (16), however I will give 13 credit, as that's what I accuse for making me introverted enough to begin writing extensively.
This year (10th) for me has been a mixture of suck and awesome.
Mostly awesome, cause I'm happier overall than I ever remember being in previous years, but then there's also the fact that my social life has plummeted. Not that I mind, really, but still...