It was a good read, but then I had to read it again and annotate it and now it's likely I'll have to skim through most of it again to find quotes that support a theory of literary criticism. And I'm really sick of it.
Oh. I've got my copy right here on the desk and I'm not gonna be going anywhere for the rest of the night (literally, pretty much, since I blistered my feet real nice today), so if you need help finding quotes...
This is my tentative thesis, dunno if I'll use it or not, though.
In Doomsday Book, Connie Willis employs two prominent characters, Dunworthy, in 2054 Oxford, and Kivrin, in Middle Ages Oxfordshire, to demonstrate the existentialist theory that humans, because of their inherent freedom, make entirely authentic decisions; they will, therefore, continually deny systems of law and tradition to satisfy their personal ideals.