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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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A la Skynet?
Sort of.

See, the Terminator movies didn't take into account the robots discovering 4chan.
And their cpus didn't short-circuit?
Apparently, Cleverbot is Omegle in disguise. You're connected to another human, not to a robot. However, at random points the connection switches you to another conversation partner.
Really?? Whoaaaa... That's weird. Cleverbot never asks me "asl"...
Because it's pitched as being you talking to a robot >.>

This is why, say, you can get through half of a singalong of Bohemian Rhapsody with Cleverbot, and then it asks you if you've got a big hairy donkey cock or something.
I haven't used Cleverbot in a while, but that definitely did not use to be the case...
Well, like -- you can start a singalong and get through a bit, but then WHAM suddenly they won't sing anymore, it's someone different going "what is air".
Interesting. That explains why it would always try to convince me I was the computer...
Really? I just had a really long Harry Potter wand duel with it... >.> It's gooood...
The funny thing is, no one seems to know. However. If it is an AI, it's very poorly programmed and it's got multiple personalities.
Yep. I just asked fourteen times "First I want to run an experiment. Type each letter of the alphabet, starting with A. We shall alternate. If I give any answer other than the next letter, something is wrong with me. Consider it a diagnostic." and each time got a different, unrelated answer.


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