Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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VAST is the best band right now. :3

Also racking my brains for creepy things for my main characters to do. augh I am brain-dead
That reminds me of a scene from the HBO series The Pacific. A bunch of WWII soldiers in an island trench, there's this one Japanese corpse propped up with the top half of his head blown off. Two of the soldiers were essentially playing basketball with small rocks and the head cavity as a hoop.
That is horribly hilarious XD

I'll probably just go with the most horrific things I can come up with, or crib from any historical sources I can find.
Reading liveblogs from the 2008 election debates.

And lol-ing.
I get to see Deathly Hallows today. :DDD I will bring my wand and wear my Time-Turner.

And I may also have a Dungeons and Dragons meeting today. :DD I'm the only girl playing, and I'm the Dungeon Master. I think this as an awesome change of authority.

I think I am now officially the biggest nerd in my entire school. I'm absolutely fine with this. :D
Well, can't say I didn't ask:

message 42: by Ishmael (last edited Nov 18, 2010 07:24pm)
Nov 18, 2010 07:00pm

Hello Mr. Patterson!
A few close friends of mine and I are very active on your young-adult website,, and we were very excited about the first eight chapters of "ANGEL: A Maximum ride Novel" that you released on your personal fansite. We have lots of questions, but only a few that we were really eager to get answers to. Some of the questions were:

1) Will we be seeing any of the older characters? Marian Janssen, Max II, Roland ter Borcht, Anne Walker, and Mike the Hacker all had very distinct personalities and histories. Having seen none of them since "Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports" we were wondering if we'd be meeting up with any of them again?

2) We've been very surprised at the amount of attention Ella and Valencia Martinez got in the first few chapters of ANGEL, especially that statement by Ella regarding Iggy. Does this mean that they'll have bigger roles?

3) Total got married at the end of FANG, and we haven't seen him yet in ANGEL. Is he still there?

4) The return of the Erasers and Eraser-Max-in-the-Mirror surprised and excited a lot of us. Will you be doing more with these things?

5) The Voice has always been one of the bigger mysteries of the Maximum Ride novels (aside from Jeb and Angel, of course!) and has given rise to a huge amount of speculation on Max-Dan-Wiz. I know you can't tell us who it is, but will Max or the flock ever run into them?

6) I've mentioned Max-Dan-Wiz a few times now. Many of the people there are curious as to how often you look at the site, and would doubtlessly faint with glee if they knew that they had your attention. How often do you glance at Max-Dan-Wiz, and if often, have you seen any posts recently that you really like?

If you could answer any of these, we'd all be really grateful, and it would give us lots to talk about between now and February 14!

So 40 minutes ago, James Patterson said:

Hi Ishmael--glad to know you're enjoying MDW. I put a lot of work into it. I see a lot of your posts (though you guys are way too fast and tech savvy for me!) and everything that goes onto the site from the publisher's end I see. I love how it's thriving, I love the creativity coming out of it. We're going to do something very soon with video submissions, if you're up for making some videos.

As for all the ANGEL plot questions... c'mon, man, you're going to have to wait til Valentines Day, I can't give out any spoilers!

Tell everyone over there I said hi.

He hinted at a few plot things at other points in the thread, but didn't give away much.

On the flip side, now we know how/if Patterson looks at MDW.
Other points of interest:
--The MR movie is definately live action, possibly 3-D *Groan on the latter part*

--"When I do write with co-authors, I try to get the big idea across to them and they come back with some of the details. We go back and forth like this, in outline form, filling in the rest. They each add a new perspective to my characters--Gabrielle Charbonnet has quite a wit, and Michael Ledwidge knows how to spin an action scene."

--On his important series "Witch & Wizard and Maximum Ride have a loyal following of both kids and adults. Tough to say who's in the lead, at this point." Notice which isn't included.

--On Angel's personality in ANGEL, "Angel sees a lot of growth in the next one, which comes out on Valentines Day. You'll like it." I'd better.

--What spurred him to first start writing? "I put myself through college by working nights at a mental institution. After seeing the many different people pass through there, and I mean different, I knew I had to start scribbling, telling stories that just couldn’t be ignored." Explains so much.
Gabrielle Chardonnet has the 'wit' of my sweaty gym socks.

And if it is 3-D I'll just pass on the damn goggles. They don't fit over glasses and I can handle an hour of motion sickness for this. Movie'll make me sick anyway.
Gabby poor girl, writes as well as I did in seventh grade.

And if we didn't throw it out, I still have the writing to prove it.

Not necessarily.
Anyone could of written that and it sounds like BS.
And any writer would have motivation to fake involvement in his own fan community.
Sometime in the last day, I have gone from brown rice with low-sodium soy sauce, and maybe some baby carrots... eating chocolate frosting out of the can with a spoon.

Woo. So much for my short-lived health kick.


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