Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I continue to maintain that Book 7 was Rowling's excuse to off as many secondary characters as possible.
That makes entirely too much sense. :O
Not the intermediary Harry-Hermione thing, I mean the artistic license the directors took with the locket horcrux... Rowling limited it to 'snogging,' but the film went a bit beyond that.

But yes, the Tot3B was a surprising and pleasant shift from the live action.
Oh yeah, that. It made them look all shiny, like Twilight vampires. >.>
The wedding RPers on TTS are sort of hilarious. And extremely touchy. xD
I just made The Most Epic Intro ever in the history of YouTube video blogs.

Just sayin'. It's swing music + a montage of me making funny faces. how can you go wrong with that?
Typing random things into Google Translate and then choosing a random language and hear it be pronounced.

It's actually really funny.
xD My algebra teacher did that during class.
Listening to music, shirking my work, and arguing abortion. Still.
All the pro-lifers have disappeared...
NaNo forums. So bad it's good.

We only have one guy who's an insufferable twat about it -- even the other pro-lifers are p. chill.

The two - Krill and the other guy - both annoyed me...


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