Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Krill is weird, but I could have a beer with the guy and not want to die.

Feanor is just... sweet lord no.

Also, both people I've met on that site with names from Lord of the Rings are utter cockwipes. Ah shit.
xD That's the only thread I've really been on and participated in. Haven't met many people.
My parents got me a book for my birthday. I was half-okay with it until I realized not only was it Christian in disguise, but it started advocating anti-abortion and possibly even anti-homosexuality. It's horrible.
Have you ever read Kiss Dating Goodbye? I think it trumps as far as awful Christian books go.

I would know... I'm quite the conessuer(sp?)
Playing Texas Hold 'Em on Pirates and listening to iTunes on shuffle.

Read: not working on NaNo
Got a really meaty pop out of my thumb.

Relevant to that, no, I really have nothing to do.
5k a day to finish NaNo on time. Thank the gods for a whole week for Thanksgiving vacation.
So, spent a good deal of fourth period crying. Some jealous idiots were complaining about Broadway Revue(Which I made.) on Facebook. Mostly it was the stupid people WHO MADE IT complaining about what song they were singing and who they were singing it with. So EVERY-FREAKING-THING for the rest of the year is canceled. Broadway Revue, Hairspray, the Banquet, the Dicken's Festival, EVERYTHING. Just because some jealous, moronic, talentless, obnoxious, complaining idiots complained about the fact that they MADE IT.

I freaking hate people right now. *Stabs jealous buttholes from school*
And I just lost the freaking game. Wonderful.
Eeeeeeeffffffffff, man. I hadn't lost in over a week.
Yeah. Honestly, it was probably one of the worst parts of my day.
I love being an internet nerd. XD

My priorities are severely screwed because of you guys.


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