Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 23, 2010 at 3:51pm
So, high chance my FB account will be deleted. Just so you all know.
In addition to having no social life, soon any interactions outside of school will consist of me speaking to you guys.
Yay parents.
More warning, they might make me leave here too. Which isn't likely ever going to happen, so if some random comes and I disappear, a small chance it might be me.
Anyway, popping in at Holy Shit in the morning to say that I am not dead, just busy as fuck. Friends, sleep, friends, concert, bake a goddamned pie, fancy dinner and then ON FRIDAY I am free.
I've tried cheaper, and they always say "if I give you layers, it will make it worse" and I'm all "I'M PAYING YOU TO GIVE ME FUCKING LAYERS TO THIN IT OUT JUST DO IT." But they're so fucking stubborn... Only one lady can do it right. *grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble*
Or you can go to a beauty salon school. Which is what I do. It's actually nicer, because they have to listen to you, and then it's the Gene Juarez people, who are very high and mighty and do a nice job. But really I just like them because they don't make me stand up when I get my hair cut. >.>