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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I don't mind them too much. I mean half of them I either find annoying or hate with a passion so it's more, "Ew get away from me," more than, "... You scare me." But when we go to eat dinner I'm just like, "O.o Where are the white people? Hispanic? BLACK?"

Waaaaiiiiit... How did we get from fat people to Pikachu's bedroom habits? Whoa, man. *talented*
PS: Where the fuck did you get a picture of that? O.o
Debating on whether or not I should stick with Computer Science.

On one hand it's a somewhat dull class (at times) filled with boys whose greatest interest is Black Ops.

On the other it can be pretty fun, it's kind of interesting, it's an easy A, and the teacher is pretty awesome.
I say stick with it. I mean, easy A > dull for me any day. But then again, you guys are geniuses, so I'm sure everything's and easy A for you...

For the record, I mean you guys on Z's, not you guys as in Asians. XD
XD What if it's applicable for both? Asians are so very smart... I'm actually a fail at one. (And Russians. Holy fuck, those kids are scary. I don't understand why there aren't smart Russian stereotypes)

Well I don't get much/any homework from the class (there in meaning easy A) and I don't need much out of class studying time. 75% of your mark if from in class work where you get help from the teacher plus, the exam you write at the end of the semester is only worth 10% or something like that.
Because Russians are communists, silly.

I say do it.
xD But they're sooo smart... Like this Russian chick is kicking my ass hardcore in Math. It hurts.

Eh, probably. My teacher would shit bricks too. My friend is convinced he hates girls, but he's been super nice to me and lets little things slide, I'm pretty sure just 'cause I'm a girl and there's like none in the class.
Why did I just imagine what it would be like to shit bricks? Damn. Every single time I hear a new expression...

So much pain.
O.o Wut.

You have the strangest ideas. XDD
One time my dad was all "I'll beat you like a red-headed stepchild" and I was like "O.o" and pictured it. The same thing happened with "rain on the parade" and "slower than molasses."

But shitting bricks is the first time it's ever been really awful.
I think I'll refrain from saying it now... XD

Dude, I didn't understand the red headed step child thing either! -Best friends with a overly sarcastic Ginger- I was mocked for a while. >.>

Molasses if fucking dangerous man. No joke.


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