Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Lulz indeed.

...What are we lulzing about?
Silly arguments.

And about somebody calling somebody else out for their alt. Which has been explained away in private as a family relationship. Which is also lulzy.


This sounds good. Though calling someone out on an alt is kind of below the belt, so I'm going to have to side with the defendent.

Edit: Oh, wait.

Are we talking about Caz?
Yes, we are. And Caz has very nearly done that very thing to me. :D So fuck him.

Who is this person, are they female, are they straight, are they single, and can I marry them?

*Low standards*
I dunno.

They are rather amusing, I must say.

Wow. Caz is a bit of an asshole.

Well, both he and Twilight Lover are assholes, but he's practically kissing his own feet.
That's what Caz does. That's what he lives for on that site.

He fucking crowned himself king. Of a group that has been banned out to the point of near nonexistence. I don't know any antis that like him. Besides the anti thread antis. Who are nice and all, but do not fucking act like antis.
Fucking prick.

Hmm...who do you think is winning the debate?
I suppose TL, but I'm incredibly biased against Caz and Caz II. And I don't know anything about Star Wars and can't be arsed to look any of it up.

Agreed, I suppose.

Part of why I hate Caz is that he refuses to admit his being wrong. Ever.

Like, seriously, what the hell? Even I admit that I'm wrong sometimes, and I'm the most arrogant, biased, idiotic person I know. I'm also pretty much a genius-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadies-but that's beside the point.
Have you seen his darling quote about how he's always right? *not looking up*

Gods damn he's irritating.



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