Getting back into the swing of the Bioshock Let's Play I was watching. Whyyy did I stop at the end of the Fort Frolic section? The LPer can't read and thinks Cohen = Colin. It is annoying me.
It was goddamn great. I was like this the whole time:
And laughing, because it was so goddamn perfect. I've not finished the LP, but I have cumulatively spent hours of my life watching a man pretty much be mind-controlled solely by words, sounds, and pictures on a screen into killing this guy, going here, doing these things... I may have to buy this game.
It's hard to be vegetarian on Thanksgiving. But hey, since I don't eat turkey, I was still wide awake when everyone else was drifting asleep. :D
Today I have to clean the house. D: And then tonight Cody has to work... Oh well, maybe I'll get that Lego Harry Potter game finished today, and maybe I'll work on that painting I told someone I'd be finished with by now that I haven't technically started yet... >.>