Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have a friend who just downloads all the games for free. >.> But they're all for Wii so they kinda suck more than the Xbox 360 ones.

Running incredibly close to deadline for my essay. Haven't eaten all day. Do not plan to sleep tonight.

Kill me.

On the other hand, I have now cited Tumblr in an essay.
Bio homework. Bleh.

Woo, MCR. I've been listening to the new album for the past week straight, and I changed my FB pic to a killjoy costume one. ._. I'm becoming obsessed. I blame my sister.
Reading stuff about the new TSA scanners.

Fuck partisanship.

One of the TV shows I'm watching is going to slowly mutate one of the characters into an alien-thing over the next few episodes. My month has been made!
Sounds like Fringe...

I watched like the first few episodes of the first season, and it got too freaky for me. And they stole my story. >.>
Stargate Universe, close enough.

I never got interested in Fringe, don't know why.
I was for a little while, until they used almost the same plot as the one in a short story I wrote in eighth grade that I won an award for. Also, in the same episode, they had the actors who played Denethor from LOTR, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mr. Spock. I was a little upset. >.>
Somehow I keep forgetting that my birthday is next week. Huh.
I'm not feeling creative enough. Blehhhhh.... I need to have this script done by tonight so I can hopefully have the collab done by Friday. Grrrrr.... Think of something funny, Hannah, dammit!

Why did I ever decide to make a video every day this week? Stupid. Stupid. How do people do this for a whole month?
What book?

I am declaring sleep officially 'for pussies'. Work must happen and sleep would only interrupt that.

I have a real bad craving for fishsticks.


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