Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So. I went to a Relient K concert yesterday, and two people had birthdays that day, so they were going to sing Happy Birthday to them, and I (being right in front of the stage as usual) raised my hand really high and said "My birthday's next week!" The singer looked at me and said "That doesn't even count!" It made me somewhat disappointed, but hey, the singer of Relient K talked to me. XD

Also, they have a song called "Marilyn Mason Ate My Girlfriend," so at one quiet part during the show, like between songs, my mom yelled "Lady Gaga Ate My Boyfriend!" The entire band gave her VERY strange looks and looked afraid. XD

Also, I changed my FB profile pic to Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls, to say "Don't abuse this kid or she'll kick your ass." Woo.
You go to so many concerts. It kills me.

That's freaking awesome.
XD The next one (that I know I'm going to) is My Chemical Romance in March... Kind of far off, but it's one we've been looking for for a while. And it's in the middle of a school week, during exams, three hours away. This is very very bad, but we've been waiting for them to come near us for years. XD
I now know the secret to essay writing. The minute I get the assignment, I sit down and I just stop thinking and start writing. I'll get about two to three pages of mostly crap in about fifteen minutes.

Then, the day before it's due, I come back and sort out the crap from the good writing and organize it all into about 300-400 words of good stuff. This step takes me around fifteen minutes too. I have three to four of these a week, and now they only take me a collective 30 minutes a piece.

I get the same, if not better, grades on these papers and they take me less than a fourth of the time. Of course... Good writing isn't about the original content, it's about revision. John Green even told me that. Gawd, why was I so picky about my first drafts when they don't matter anyways?
My Essay Writing: Be lazy and don't do it till the night before.

Go, "Shiiiit". Stay up till 1.

A week later receive the A.

Granted, this WAS last year. I haven't done any essay writing yet.
That used to be my thing too... But now I can do it all in the commercial breaks of an hour long TV show and not revise it until the day before. It's a wonderful system.
That's the secret to short essay writing, that works for about a page (typed).

The secret to long essay writing is to gather together a bunch of evidence and write your essay and argument around it, rather than planning out an argument and then looking for evidence.

I usually have the introduction written down the two or three nights before, and then throw in additional paragraphs as I feel like working on them. And I still get to bed before 11.
Trying to figure out how to draw wings on humans so that they would fold flat onto their backs. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK with a thirteen-foot wingspan! >.<'
Waking up from a nap just in time for Harry Potter number 3.

I had a dream that I turned on the garbage disposal and was all "oh no, a spoon is getting sucked in" and randomly stuck my arm down there and it chopped it up and sucked my whole body down into it but it didn't really hurt and then I was at Hogwarts. There is a passage to Hogwarts in my sink. *lucky*
Editing my essay. It's about seven and a half pages long.

And then there's more work. And I'm laaaazy.
My Videos library takes up 181 GB.


This is roughly half of all my Hard Drive space that's full...
Why do you have so many videos? O.o


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