Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XDD That would be fun to watch...
I must ask; who would you play?
I'm Hermione. :/ Because I'm smart-ish and annoying and have extremely annoyingly poofy hair. XD
I have no idea who I'd be... I'd like to be Luna, but we couldn't be further apart. And I half-ass my way through school, so no Hermoine for me.... *is reading the books right now* *hope to find her match*
Drinking hot chocolate with failed peppermint marshmallows fluff and checking up on all of my internet sites before starting up Changes again.
I hate talking on the phone. Everything I say is... Uneditted. And you can't see me. It's just weird.

I only make the exception for two people currently.
My parents are having an argument downstairs. I can't hear what about, and I think I'm glad.
One more exam Thursday and I'm finished my finals. Then over a month of no school. I probably won't be on at all all month either, too busy working, playing NHL 2011. Oblivion, Dragon Age, Fable 3 ect...
CNN had an article that said "Six questions that can't be solved by science."

In the comments section, I provided scientific answers to all six.

Link please?
I'm trying to find EndOf's comment... Damn. What UN did you use, End?


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