Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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And WTF is 35 degree weather doing in North Carolina? I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. I HAVE NO HEAVY JACKETS.

This winter has been so topsy-turvey.
At least you have a jacket... *bitter*

I have, like, two hot baths a day just so I don't freeze.
Here, winter is god damned bliss.

It hasn't hit -40 C (-40 F) yet. It's beautiful. :D

WHY DO PEOPLE LIVE IN CANADA? That's just silly. Too cold.
Halifax never got below -15 C (5 F). Plus we only had snow for two months last year.

XD Because we have polar bears! And oil. Lots and lots of oil.

And we love foreigners.
Oil. That's it. And a government that has more than a three-digit IQ.
XD Pretty much. And we have rights.

For example, if the Alberta government wanted to add PST, they'd get killed by farmers with large shot guns.

Therefore, we will never have PST.
Smart people, you are.

I wish I lived in Canada so I could be all "I'm sorry, were you making fun of Canada? I couldn't hear you over my healthcare benefits."
You guys have healthcare benefits now... Sort of.

Dude, in Nova Scotia, if you're under the age of ten, you get free dental. How fucking great is that?

Wait, so how does that work. Do you have to pay for a check up?
I should really know this... I've never even studied/paid attention to domestic policy. I'm a foreign policy junky due to debate.
But... you went to a doctor right...?

Dude, I don't know any policies unless I've lived there. Or had to do something with it.
Yeah, you gotta pay for a checkup. I don't know very much about our healthcare except that it's a goddamn shame.


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