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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ours if free.

They encourage it really, basically we have commercials telling us that X out of X Canadians don't have a family doctor. CONTACT YOURS TODAY! :D
@Xuut: I haven't been to the dotcor/dentist since I turned double digits. My dad really hates doctor/dentist bills. Optometrist, yes. But not a doctor.
Canada sounds boss as hell. If I have to flee the country, I'm coming north.

The other day I was talking to my mom about this.

We realized if Canada became shitty, there is literally no where we can go. Nothing is as wonderful as Canada.

Did I ever mention our love for immigrants?
If you flee North, guess who is going to ally with the US?
And if they don't ally with the US, guess who the US is going to attack first?

If you want to flee the US, go to Russia.
Shit, and I thought 'war with Canada' was absurd... *frantically revises*

Canada's closest -- if I need to peace out to maintain, y'know, basic rights, I'll be stopping there before continuing on to somewhere else.
Noooo, Australia.

We have sun. And beaches. And kangaroos and koalas and platypuses. And healthcare, and stuff too.
And is utterly defenseless against a major US naval strike, and is also a big US ally.

There's no easy way out of this. If you want to dodge the US, then it's Russia, China, or India. Anyone else will either turn you over, or get clobbered too quickly for you to actually enjoy an honest defense.
America is unlikely to bother though. The island aspect does make a good defensive position, and we do have our own army, if not as extensive as the US one, so it /would/ need to be a fairly major naval strike. For little gain. Small population, mostly unusable land.

If you're really on the run, Russia would hand you over, and China would hold on to you, as a person of interest, even if they don't want to hand you over. Australia has plenty of desert to hide in, if need be.
But if you're just looking for a desert to hide in, why not Mongolia? Or Algeria? Or Nevada for that matter?

Major is only needed for the sake of support operations. In terms of defense the United States had more destroyers alone than Australia has boats in its navy...but Austrialia suffers in that while it is a large island, it has this huge honking desert in the middle that sticks the majority of civilization (unless you count Alice Springs) in coastal areas where they would be easy pickings for carrier-based airstrikes or cruiser-based rocket bombardments.

I'd argue that Australia has an insane amount of untapped mineral wealth...but I don't know the logistics behind that part.

Come to think of it, you're probably right about Russia. Not 100% sure about China.
Because even in the Australian desert you have small communities, and most of it is technically outback, with big farms and things, as opposed to rolling sanddunes. So, while still hard to find someone in, you're not going to starve, or end up completely by yourself.

The US force would be located well before they reached the coastline. They pick up ships back while they're still in Indonesian waters, so... I mean obviously, if they felt like putting their full force against us, you have much a stronger military, but we'd be able to inflict considerable damage before you got anywhere near the coast line, and we'd have enough time to evacuate coast line areas, certainly.

That would be rather true. Though, I imagine a lot of it has been dug up/ is currently being dug up.

*shrugs* China wouldn't help the US, nor would they directly oppose them, but they're not... uninterested in America's affairs.
Heavy jackets for 35 degrees Fahrenheit? Crazy.


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