Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Gods. Why?

Why must all of my teachers like Comic Sans? Dx

It's such a hideous font. x.x

My Social teacher does that. v.v


It's okay for me personally when I use it informally (my MSN font... :D?) but I hate it with formal writing. 


Like hey, our assignments?


Not cool. I do bloody Times New Roman woman, get with the program. 

Blehhhh... I'm too fat for my debate skirt now. Hell, I'm too fat for everything now.

I really need to stop shopping during volleyball season. This is not good.

Whoa, weird new post-thingy. >.>

So. I got the most epicly awesome unofficial birthday present today. Cody wrote me a song. It's not finished yet, though. :D

I can't wait until my party on Saturday... 

For [Osama bin Laden] and his followers, this is a holy war between Islam and the Western world. Most Muslims disagree.


The problem is not that Osama bin Laden believes that this is a religious war against America. It's that millions of people across the Islamic world seem to agree.


Are these two statements direct contradictions of each other, or am I missing something?

If I wanted to be picky, I would point out that the first statement says "Muslims disagree" whereas the second says "SEEM to agree."


So if I wanted to be philosophically picky, I would say that they are saying the same thing. Similar to "Though white light is made of the entire spectrum colors, it seems to be made only of the color white."


I could also argue that "Most muslims" and "millions of muslims" isn't necessarily the same group.

So they're only /vaguely/ contradicting each other.


Which one is more, though? That's what I want to know. The nebulous phrasing doesn't help. 

"Most" is more. There are 1.5 billion Muslims, as compared to a few million hateful ones.

Put a few more things up for the ARG. Only time you will ever here ter Borcht directly reference Schwarzenegger.

There's still a month left. If any of you wanted to contribute documents or do voice work, there is still time!


I'm open for some voice stuff, and I have male friends willing to help.


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