Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Thanks! :D

Going to Georgetown for the street market. It's supposed to be frigid and snowy. :DD


Also, long car ride with my best friend's family promises to be awesome. 

FINALLY. Every year I start off slow and then I have that moment where I'm all "Debate. FUCK YES." and then debate becomes my life for the rest of the season because I love it that much.


I was getting worried that this year I wouldn't have that moment. Rest assured, I did. I still hate that it's China, but I always like the foreign policy years and it's not as broad of a topic as I thought.



Thanks for reminding me. 


I have to go to research for Regionals this year. 

God dammit. 

XD Any time.

I need someone with an older-sounding voice for an ARG piece. If you want to be involved, but haven't yet had a chance to do voicework, I'm up for offers.

I definitely would, but my microphone sucks and my voice sounds like Nathan's. :/

Actually, the piece that I have has the character say their name, so we could probably do this without having any confusion issues. I'll post the transcript on the ARG page.


BTW, sucky microphones are OK.

I can definitely do that, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. My whole family's asleep. >.>

Well, I am sort of on the older end, though I don't know that I sound it.

You give it a try too. I want to see if I can get as many people on here as possible into audio clips. We already have so many with the featured characters, but the ARG is about all of Itex, not just Marian, Jeb, Anne, and Roland.


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