Working on my personal philosophy project.
I am so screwed.
My teacher would murder me.
And I swear she loves me right now and I don't want to ruin that. She gave me a fucking 99.3% on an essay. I missed one goddamn point. The class average was a mid-B.
I have made this project fucking idiot proof. I have written down what my group members are supposed to talk about in point form jot notes AND in long fancy sentences so they can understand what they're talking about since they haven't done squat.
I swear to God, if I don't get a good mark, I will kill someone.
I'm going to end up staying until two a.m., because I am a lazy bastard addicted to procrastination.
GAH. I have the quotes - I lack originality, creativity, and time.
So I made a fucking circle out of words. Y'know, because that's what I do. WUT
Finishing a spot of research and getting more and more depressed.
I hate Ayn Rand, but shit... she can write a post-apocalyptic novel for our oil culture like no one else. I would pay serious bank to see her zombie self write a novel about what happened after everything went to hell in Atlas Shrugged.
In other news, losing my goddamned mind.
It's two in the morning and I am writing my APUSH paper. We've had two weeks. I didn't start.
My teacher gave me a 96 on my story.
Used my 'magic powers' aka not being a fucking retard to reply to a bitch who left me a dumbass anonymous review. Wonder how surprised she'll be.
If you're going to anon review and be a dumbass, don't use the name of your actual account as your anon nick. I'm just saying.
Inspecting my split ends (a first for me... ever. I should straighten so much. v.v It doesn't even help that much, it's that straightening stuff) and wondering why the back doesn't have ANY and the front has so many.... I need to cut this crap. It bugs me.
Today I ate a lot because I had a Christmas party in almost all my classes. I feel fat, and awful because my friend got me Christmas presents. (Note the plural.) And she was all, "Oh yeah, I never get presents back." Yesterday. So I am determined to find her the most awesome present ever. Also, it's her birthday today. Gawd, I feel like a bad person. >.>
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