Something's wrong with that chick, no one naturally looks like an anime.
I'm more concerned with the thing Dual replied to at the bottom...
And technically, it's manga-art.
Kidding, kidding.
Gerard Way does, with smaller eyes... >.>
Seriously, the shapes he can put his mouth into when he's singing... It's creepy.
I went to my crush's house today. :D
And she has a chalkboard. :)
And, on that chalkboard, was written, (The end of her name)ward. (...)
As in, her name mixed with Edward. Like they do in tabloids for couples, and for shippin.
Did you ask her about it?
No. What do I look like, somebody who actually tries to verify facts intelligently before spazzing out?
Psh, 'course not.
It could be some obscure reference/personal thing. I write down things that would make no godsdamned sense to anyone else.
And I pulled off all 'A's, too. :D
B's, mostly, on my end of things. But then, I'm a slacker, procrastinator, and liar, so it's what I expected.
I went to see Tron in 3D today. The most notable thing about the trip to the theater wasn't the movie, though. XD For one, in te row behind us, there was a set of twins who looked a little older than me who had red hair. We all thought immediately of Fred and George Weasley as soon as they walked in. Also, during the previews, there was one thing where a random train was plowing through the snow, and I and the 5-year-old kid behind me both said "The Hogwarts Express!" at the exact same time. I had to give him a high-five. XD
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