Eh, weird. Mostly drama. So I've been really tired. >./p>
Here's a recap: My sister got pulled out of school on a suicide watch. My other sister is talking about getting married. Shes 17. My moms trying to date again. :| And my girlfriend and I broke up but she won't stop telling me that I'm the only one she wants and that she loves me so I'm confused about that whole thing. I got pretty much straight D's on my grades.My dog that was six years old, died (we had to put him down) because he had a brain tumor. My step-mom left my dad. For another chick. Which, by the way, the chick looks like a dude whos trying to look like a gangster but just turns out looking like a fat shemale thing. x.x My dads moving from Texas to Arizona. Which is good because its closer to me and my sisters. My best-friend and I had our first fight over the word "legazing" which is legit and amazing put together. I thought it was compeletly gay and she thinks its sooooo cool. But my ex was there holding me as i cried telling me everything was alright and that she loved me and was here for me. So I'm still very confused. I'm am now a stoner. Which is pretty fun for me but my sisters and my bff hate it. x.x And yeah, thats all I have to say for this tiny recap thingy. (:
I know its not but I still use it as one.
Yeah so do I but its probably not so yeah.
REALLY LATE: (Sorry, I come on like once a day, so if you read this... yay)
Dude, your story really makes my life look like... I don't know, something with lots of parties and streamers and unicorns. Advice? Take a step out of life, take a few deep breaths, and handle each thing one on one. Drama sucks.
Went over my Sims 3 downloads, went through two piles, "What I Like" and "What I Don't Like"
I've been at this for at least an hour.
This is fucking ridiculous. What is this. v.v Idiot.
Doesn't help that every five minutes I need to check what this item actually is. I am now starting the ones that are just numbers. I'm an idiot. A giant idiot.
Last time I was on last.fm, they were trying to sell me sex toys. Now they're trying to sell me condoms. wtf
Hehhehhehwoah. http://johnkenn.blogspot.com/
Epically fuxored my voice during a night out with, erm, my friends, the lads, the girls, whatever, my homies. Soooo that was great. Watched Rocky Horror Picture Show and the eclipse, and now Imma sleep forever.
I'm supposed to be mad at you. Why can't I be mad at you? I'm gonna forgive you for lying to me after being mad for just, like, half an hour? Gah... >.<'
Sometimes I really hate myself for being so nice. Especially when the person I'm forgiving doesn't deserve to be forgiven so easily.
If we can get seven more pieces for the ARG, we'll have every day covered.
-Can totally do awful Chinese-
If it's needed since there IS a Chinese institution. And I'm white washed so my Chinese is all broken and heavily accented and it most definitely sounds like I'm some sort of English kid who learned Chinese as an extra language. Which most people can't tell if they don't speak it, but my point stands.
I can't do Mandarin though. :|
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