Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Sister just showed me a Japanese video with vegetables committing suicide. They were not the main characters of said story or anything. They were just there. 


Dear Japan, you have hit the all time weird. 


Good job, you're stranger than Lady Gaga. 

So, so far my relationship has taken a path of my girlfriend getting down and me cheering her up every time... And I'm perfectly okay with that. Today she got really sad for no reason and claimed she was being a bad girlfriend, and was bad at expressing her feelings, and etcetera... I wasn't able to cheer her up from that, but then she opened one of my letters. I sent her five letters to open throughout winter break with a drawing of a memory with her from my point of view, and occasionally a note. I was surprised today's worked (it was one already scheduled for today, they all had the dates written on them to open them). I had a long note of a story, and at the bottom, a spot where I kissed the page multiple times (so it would leave a mark, lol gross) and arrows pointing around it saying "When you're reading this, we're probably far away. I kissed right here." This actually cheered her up enough that I've reversed it and she's happy and can't wait to see me again.


Sorry, I just like leaving drabbles on this thread when I'm happy at 1:30 AM.

Aw, that's adorable! :3

Wow. Went to the Japanese-American History Museum in LA yesterday with my grandma. I'd been there before, but it's been a few years. Listening to her talk about her history was incredible.


The museum is built as a memorial and in rememberance of the Japanese-Americans who were forced into the American concentration/internment camps. I took about 200 pictures. I think I'll upload them sometime...

I try to do some research on Animal Familiars. I am now actually afraid of people and the srs in which they take this stuff...


I just wanted folklore...



Why am I so tired? -.- Urgh, I want to play Guitar Hero but Mom and Tommy are watching Law & Order. ._. 

So bored...

Saw two movies recently.


The King's Speech was really well done, the acting was amazing, the cinematography was excellent, and the story was good.


However, I think that Black Swan easily beats it out, because it had all of those, and a psychological and metaphorical depth involved. And it was an excuse to listen to Tchaikovsky, whom they utilized really well.


Still though, both were very good, made my week. Why can't they have more things like this out year-round?

Black Swan was ace as fuck, but nowhere in my podunk town is showing The King's Speech. I would maim for a theater showing that movie.
If I can get one person to read the transcript regarding clones that I posted a while back, then we'll have enough documents for the ARG. You have until Jan 2 to do it, and then I'm turning it into a text document.

I'm baaaack.


And I met one of my uncles whom I have not known in memory. :D

I just got two of the most awesome late Christmas presents in existence.
Three GIANT (like, literally wall-sized) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows posters of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and an Etch-a-Sketch. All from Cody. :DDD
I have no room for the posters anywhere though... I might have to put them on the ceiling...

Happy New Years, everyone!


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