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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Psychopath alert BEEP BEEP BEEP.
No, it's really not that creepy. >.>

Lost cause. I'd like to remind you all that MY brain is not the one that's messed up, just because I'm the minority here. Our generation, geez. I mean really...

You've obviously never seen The Shining, or The Exorcist, or some of the well-done modern things. Or, failing that, seen a walkthrough of Amnesia: Dark Descent or played through one or two choice levels of Bioshock or F.E.A.R. or the Ravenholm portion of Half-Life 2


That, and movies/games scare you with audio and a visual flash, or with a progression of scenes. You're showing me a silent, still image where the subject's picture is being taken from a comfortable distance. What is there to be scared about?

She has no eyes. And her proportions are all wrong. She's obviously not a normal human, and my brain is genetically wired to pick up those signals and for a time, before it can re-assess my obvious safety, I am in fight-or-flight mode.

The eyes are blurred by lenses (see every zombie movie ever made) the eye sockets are exaggerated by shadow makeup, and she's bending closer to give something akin to that pop-out effect that I was describing earlier. The "stitches were put on by a marker (see the upper lip) Between the bending forward and the fact that she's lifting her skirt (see her right hand, on your left), your sense or proportion gets confused.


EDIT: Now that I've seen the original version, which is to say, unaltered by photo-shop or MS paint or whatever they used, it's even less scary.


But the most important thing is that I knew that I was looking at, which is to say, a picture on the internet. After that, everything else falls into place as special effects, and I start searching for those. Once you have it, then the picture really isn't scary at's almost silly.



I actually quite like Creepy-chan; from what I remember she got less weird-lookin as she got older. That picture is a rather old one of her.


Yes, I'm a huge creeper.

I think she's an amazing model. And she would pwn any horror film she was cast in.

She still gives me the shivvers.
Feelin like a creeper 'cause I'm on here lurking at 1 in the morning.

Me too. Okay so it's only midnight here, but what the hell.


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