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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Bought my first hat online. I payed for the purchase of $25.50 with a card with only $25 on it on accident... What do I do...

It is generally good practice, when mixing audio, to have possession of the files you're using... durr.


Edit: Also I remembered why I stopped working on this mix. Something went wrong when I was recording, making it difficult to cut at the end of a section of dialogue.


Edit two: Apparently it's something wrong with my computer or Aviary, because both recordings are fuxored. I can still work, but it's a little nervewracking.

I have no idea what I did, but everything went to hell. My dialogue crossed into the other recording, dialogue appears in 'silent' sections, and generally the damn thing is fuckin haunted.



This is totally unrelated, but our sound system and the sound on Mom's laptop were haunted at the same time today... >.> The volume kept going up and down on its own. It was weird.
If all the dialogue is up here, I'll also try my hand at mixing it. Keep at it, and if I get done first, we can use that, or compare the two.
How about this?


I just woke up and there's actual snow, like 6 inches of it, and it's still snowing. :DDDD

I probably sound really stupid to you guys.... XD

I know, it's amazing!

Not at all, haha.

So, I'm applying for a summer camp that wants me to submit some writing.


The problem is, only one story can be sci-fi/fantasy.


I need advice. Are they trying to get us to use different writing styles so we don't just write a story dedicated to some scifi/fantasy world? If this is the case, screw them. I'm just going to submit a story, say, "Though this is sci fi and fantasy, it's mainly a tragedy, or comedy, or fell-good-family story, or whatever," and have them see that yes, I'm capable of writing something that I enjoy writing and having it have deeper meanings and all that jazz.


Or did sci-fi/Fantasy rape them as a child, resulting in a phobia or something irrational like that?

Yeah, I was criticized for being a sci-fi/fantasy writer at the last summer camp I went to. >.> It's really annoying.

Luckily, most of my writing verges on the supernatural. ^_^


My letter to them is going to include the phrase, "Loopholes FTW, Bitch!"


...I'm also calling the person reading it Alex in my note. Just to piss them off.

Yes, because a good story is a mix of more than one topic, usually a genre and drama, and because the other writers probably aren't all sci-fi fantasy, so they want to see if you can handle being out of your area. Additionally, sci-fi and fantasy are very plot based, and they want to see you do imagery and character exploration, which isn't as prominent in sf/f


My recommendation? Do some bit of illustrative bogus about a walk through a park, they love crap like that.


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