Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've never heard the term "orgy" before as a nickname for that. Is that Canada thing or a Hannah-was-raised-by-prudes thing?
I wouldn't go as far to say the second thing, but orgies are partially defined sexually. xD
Oh, but I was.

As far as my mother knows, I still don't know how babies are made. That's for my husband to teach me on our wedding night.

XD Don't Google it. 


Don't Google it. 




An orgy... it. It should be noted not to be done at school or in the presence of parents. EVER. I learn this all through the magic of older siblings. 


Edit: Never mind. End's bluntness got us there. XD

Orgy=more than one pair of people involved in sex at once.

It's a global term, and it shows up in literature from time to time.


Ahhh... I get it, End, 'literature'. ;)
No, I'm being serious. Real literature. Like Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
Brave New World.... In Your Pants.

John Green, you slay me. :D




I felt bad after. I mean I think I was corrupting people...


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