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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Regarding the ARG: I'm totally go for launching sometime today -- I just need to know when.


Also, question: how would we like the audio media served? I have two flavors, CD and cassette tape. Blank CDs are very easy; cassette tape will take a wee bit of fast work in Paint to cover up their true origins. (If we choose cassette tape, given a little time I can actually record our stuff onto blank tapes -- we've probably still got our tape recorder floating around somewhere. This will help 'cover our tracks' on the audio files by introducing even more static into the eventual upload -- and it produces physical 'extras'.) 


So far, our box is going to be full of papers in file folders with whatever media we choose scattered on top. There will be a small Mysterious Box nestled in one corner (if I can find one suitable to the purpose, which I think I can), and a notecard with an URL (to our first puzzle site) tucked into the bottom of the box. Is there anything else which should be inside?

All audio files produced before Max's birth would be on cassette tapes. Just show the sides of the tape without writing.

Everything between her birth and Jeb taking the flock from the school would be on CD.

Anything after the start of TAE would have been done on a digital video recorder.


Remember, the URL shouldn't be fully visible, we don't want to be sending people to other sites. Show them maybe "http://www.itexi" and leave it at that. Other than that, the box sounds good.


Let's start the ARG around 6 or 7 today. I don't believe I'm going anywhere, and should be on to help facilitate.

I didn't really help with the setup at all, which I'm still regretting, so I'll help however I can in regards to kicking it off and getting some activity flowing that way on MDW if you guys need it.
Are you any good with photoshop? Giving earlier documents a used or aged look would be awesome.

All right then :D I'll go through the list of materials to sort out what would be on cassette and what on CD.


OK, I'll show just the left half and pretend not to have noticed the thing; once someone points it out I'll just say I went to the site and [PUZZLE].


6 your time or mine?

6PM My time, if you don't mind (I keep forgetting that I'm talking to someone in CO). So that's 4PM your time. I'm trying to estimate when the most users are online.


Don't show them the puzzle yet. If asked, have her point out that she wants to know who she's dealing with before she goes to one of their sites and they hijack her computer. After all, it's new.

Awright. I might have to break for dinner, but that would work out, I imagine.


Aye -- the site will be a lead-in to the puzzle. I won't mention the site until it's time for our first puzzle, and say I used a library computer to visit it or something.


In addition, here's a list I hacked together of all the audio files and the media they should be on:


Cassette tape:

- autopsy

- How To Build An Avian

- application interview


- Max and Jeb sight test

- Ter Borcht examines Max

- Ter Borcht on Erasers (?)


Digivox recorder:

- Phone call

- Ter Borcht's epiphany

- Ter Borcht angry

- STW recording

- Ter Borcht closing

- Ter Borcht is back

- "What a mess!"

- Agent / ter Borcht conversation


Looks good!

When's your dinner? We can shift things around if need be.

Usually around 5 or 5:30.
We'll bounce it around and talk to each other in the meantime. There's plenty of time for ambient chat. Just why Itex is sending someone a box could last a while.
OK. I'm gonna go die a few more times in Bioshock (upped the difficulty and resigned myself to harvesting Sisters just for kicks) and then come back.

Just finished revising my MDW thread on the new excerpt into a detailed summary of chapters 9-23. Here's a copy, for your entertainment:


Fang reappears in chapter 9, where he recruits a guy named Ratchet after a brief fight. One of the first for his new flock. It is assumed that he is a Gen-77 kid.

Chapter 10 opens with a lunchtime discussion between Max and the scientists. Since getting Max to Germany seems to be asking a lot at the moment, they're trying to get her to go with them to visit the Rocco Laurie School for the Gifted, which regularly works with Gen-77 kids. Max initially refuses and is backed up, again, by Angel and Dylan, Max noting with surprise how compliant Angel is being. However, Dr. Martinez claims a scientific curiosity and Max, unable to argue with her mother, finally agrees.

Max is still uncomfortable about it though, which is why Chapter 11 opens up with her flying alone, with the flock, Dylan, Dr. Martinez, Hans and Jeb in a private jet (Ella was left at home). She still isn't sure about Jeb, Hans, or Angel. Mid flight, Angel points out something to Max, who is surprised to suddenly crash into...

Chapter 12, and a forest of see-through barrage balloons tied to the ground with super-sharp wires. Max commands Angel to redirect the plane, but is too late. The plane's wings and engines are sheared off.

So Max begins chapter 13 by dropping onto the falling plane and giving orders to Angel on how to evacuate the three passengers who don't have wings. But in attempting to evacuate the plane, Nudge and Iggy are caught in the slipstream of the aircraft and severely injure their wings on barrage balloon wires. Trying to support her own falling mother, Max tells Angel to leave and try to bring Nudge and Iggy down safely.

Chapter 14 goes back to Fang who is waiting at a restaurant with Ratchet who is described as Super-sensitive which is to say that he has really refined sight and hearing, and uses sunglasses and noise-canceling headphones to compensate. We hear a little about the difficulties of his harsh life on the street.

The story returns to the falling plane in Chapter 15 where Gazzy is trying to keep Jeb up alone, but Jeb realizes that he's too heavy. He tells Gazzy that the only way to save the world is that the human race will have to die, and then lets go.

We return to Fang in Chapter 16, who is reviewing another potential group member, Star, who instantly gets into an argument with Ratchet, as she grew up in far richer living conditions and is VERY hungry. This is because Star is a super-fast runner and consumes energy quickly.

Chapter 17 goes back to Max (gee, this is beginning to sound like some of the POV shifting we get flooded with here, doesn't it?) who observes the plane fusegale exploding, and notices Jeb. She orders Gazzy to go assist Nudge while Dylan rescues Jeb. They all land, and Max asks for a damage report. Dr. Martinez has a broken arm, Jeb has a broken leg, Nudge's and Iggy's wings are badly cut and won't move. Max and Angel are seemingly unharmed, and Dylan has some abrasions to the side of his face. Max decides that they ought to call for help.

As Martinez does so, Max notices in Chapter 18 that Hans is missing. When Max asks Dylan what happened, Dylan claims that Gunther-Hagen claimed to be right behind him, and then Dylan hit his head  on the plane on the way out (<-Does this sound fishy to any of the rest of you?) then declares that he ought to find Hans, or whatever's left of him. Max decides that she must follow him, partially because he's still a rogue element, partially because she feels attached to him, and wonders if this is the result of attraction, or if she was programmed to like him as well.

After Angel assures Max that everyone will be fine, Chapter 19 finds Max and Dylan alone. As Dylan launches himself into the air, Max compares Fang and Dylan, and notes that Dylan's wings were designed differently to the rest of the flock, from a different bird. They discover that they have more in common than they'd first thought, and weirdly state a common interest--at the same time, with the same phrasing, which freaks Max out.

It's back to Fang in Chapter 20, who is in a hotel room being introduced to Kate Tan Wei Ying, a friend of Star, and another Gen-77 kid, who Ratchet catcalls, bringing Fang to realize that the product of an older group of people would mean a lot of flirting. They are interrupted by The News, who is reporting on an environmental group labeling itself The Doomsday Group (obvious villains much?). The rally is organized by a teen girl, Beth, who claims that the goal of the group is an "Earth Cleanse." If you read the teasers, you know what this means. Beth is also Gen-77, as she attempts some sort of Hypnosis or mind-control over Fang that targets his worries, before Star saves(?) him by changing the channel. Apparently, the group sprang up almost overnight, and Fang decides that they ought to go investigate.

Max and Dylan are still looking for the plane in Chapter 21. Max shows Dylan an advanced flight move, and Dylan clarifies his own abilities to see everything--microscopic, telescopic, and through walls. Finding no solutions and no plane, they continue towards the school.

Chapter 22 returns to Fang, who is waiting on two more people, another girl and another guy. Ratchet and Star get into a fight, but are stopped by Kate, who has some degree of super strength/reflexes. Fang firmly steps forward and points out that he picked everyone due to their differences, and is recognized as the leader, which is when...

We hit Chapter 23 and learn that the last girl is Max II. After a round of introductions, she takes the alias of Maya, to Fang's confusion--he's reacting to her as if she really was Max and is tortured by it. The chapter, and the excerpt, ends with Fang starting to regret his decision.


And yes, Total still hasn't been mentioned.


This leaves us with these questions.

-Who is the last guy in Fang's group?

-Where is Hans?

-Will Nudge and Iggy heal properly?

-Will we see any more familiar faces?

-Has Total been retired?

-Is there a connection between this new school and the Doomsday Group?

-How is Angel involved?


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