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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Lurking on the ARG thread, but I keep getting distracted by the horrible background and thinking, "Srsly, they couldn't do better editing than that? I could do a better background than that."

Sorry about not joining in on the ARG earlier - had a 21st party to go to and drank a lot. Well, not that much. Jesus I get overshareitis when I have a bit.




Just one comment on the ARG - There aren't enough Noobs posting on it. There's only us-slash-a few people who don't know about it. The thread actually read odd because there's a more than average proportion of intelligent posts to gibberish.

Again, these things take a while. The longer it goes on, the more attention it will get. Sending messages to people you know on the site asking their thoughts is also a good move...there's no such thing as a first-time bestseller.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


Honors French 4: C


Participation Average: B-
Tests Average: A+
Quizzes Average: A
Projects Average: A
Oral/Speaking Abilities Average: A+
Homework Average: F


Fucking homework. >.>

And that's with the final. asdfjkl;

How did you get a C?

Go talk to her?  Because that's a bit much, no?

Might have something to do with my 'homework average' being 11.6%. Apparently that was a lot more important than I thought it was...


*emailed her* *kind of freaking out* Math is one thing, but...

... The only blemish...? -Gives tea-


In Canada, we don't give two shits about homework. It's never a part of your grade (in honours anyways) because either you do it or fail. Well, in public school anyways. Come here. French actually matters. And we have the DELF exams which you can totally ace at like A1 level, and actual AP/IB credit Hell, you could do AP and everyone would be like, ":DDD Fishy is sooo amazing." Because AP French here is hard. 

XDD I wish...


<s>Somehow I doubt that, but alright. XD</s>


I was working so hard to get a B in bio.

Then I got a 55 on his last exam.  The class average was a 63.

But comeon.  He's like, selectively putting in grades to the system - there's at least four major assignments he hasn't submitted.

Anyways, I now have a 73 in Biology FUCKFUCKFUCK.

Still merit role, but I pulled my GPA up my about 0.35 from last quarter. Eh.
Sorry, couldn't post on the ARG, my mom was on call (doctor thing) and my dad and I brought her dinner and... well long storys short I was there till like 11.  Anyway, is Jane Smith one of us, or is it a legit n00b?   Name sounds fake-ish.
That's Tally.


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