I really still don't understand how that can be people's favourite pairing ever, I hope you're exaggerating a bit with it, because while I do like Darren himself, and he, as himself is hot. Blaine's just an epic conformist tool. And in terms of Glee Kurt really doesn't need a bf, because not everyone on the show needs to be in a relationship.
Glee is getting worse and worse, especially with rumours that Anne Hatheway is supposed to play Kurt's (possibly Lesbian) aunt. Kurt was so much better in season 1, well technically all the characters pretty much were, that's what devolution tends to lead to.
Ni, I must commend you on getting me to rant about this when I promised myself I would stop.
But in the end I won't go squee and bash you for your choices, since I support all kinds of crazy pairings.
Also American Idol personally I found to be sucking more and more as time went on, and when Paula left and then Simon, the shows pretty much crashing and burning.
The Warblers have really crappy choreography. It's like they didn't even try to organize it. Their movements are hardly synchronized, and it looks choppy and awkward and awful. >.>
And as much as I love Darren, the actual music in Hey, Soul Sister was positively butchered, too. o.e
I think considering the time and effort they take into autotuning and trying to blend/harmonize everyone's voices into synchronization in the chorus, they'd redo a botched take. Or else RM's not only constantly lying but he can't be bothered to fix errors.
OMG my bitch claws are out tonight.
Eh, like I said you can love them. I don't really mind, since if what you've read made you happy it probably means it's going to still have a lot of Kurt-centrism in it, and I think that's also one of the reasons I hate the whole them possibly hooking up, or if as some crazed fans still cling to, Sam breaking up with Quinn suddenly announcing his gayness and making man babies with Kurt. >.> which they refer to as Kum O_O
Like the Finchel, Will/Emma of season 1, it's just I'm tired of it (mainly Kurt) for now, maybe tone it down, have Blaine stop slicking his hair back, so he might not come off as tooly, and I might not mind.
Also where have you been reading these rumors?
Slicked back hair doesn't automatically mean tool, but on him, he looks toolish.
His hair-doo(sp? lol I have no idea) was better in AVPM, or whatever it's acronyms are, where he had the geekish cute going on.
Also I kind of just dislike how both the "good guy" gays are super fashionable, and pretty damn vain too, I need someone who isn't so opposite me, and yet not so far in a closet, and possibly about to kill other people or himself. (if it wasn't glee) Huh? I just had this really scary Glee/HBO colab thought and it's *shudders*, explains why the Sex shark is terrified of juvie. Must think of something else.
Ni I have to apologise for bitch fitting on you like this.
They can stuff in common without having basically, everything in common.
Ni, are you perchance on Gleeforum?
Edit: they have some scary rumors. But it's obviously bs since they keep dodging requests to link it.
Something fantastic just happened!
My band teacher told me I've been picked out of the whole band to go on a trip to Europe in 2012! I'm so excited and now, I must earn some money.
*Is jealous*
That's like super awesome, if it's not intrusive, where? Cause if it's France I retract my *is jealous*.
We're going to England, France, Germany, and maybe somewhere else but I'm not sure.
If you're the only person from your band to go, who else is going?
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