Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Lurking a steampunk thread, feeling validated. Apparently most steampunk is unbearably light and cheery about the fact that the time period in question honestly sucked.


I come bearing depression and anti-war messages, motherfuckers >:E

Mumford & Sons = :D


Very very true. 


So my friend and I are supposed to be working together on a science fair project and she's like "Oh a computer will do it all for me it's cool" then she shows up with this really complicated thing her mom tells me she stayed up every night for a month writing and I'm all like "crap you didn't tell me you were doing this or I would have helped" so now I feel all guilty...


Anyway, although she's a great scientist she sucks at writing/explaining so I'm all like "okay, I"ll simplify everything and make sure we follow the project guidelines because we didn't do that" but her parents are all like actual scientists so they're telling me everything I do is wrong...


And the whole time this is happening I'm like excusing myself from the room to go barf in the bathroom because I was really sick that night.


So anyway our project was like amazingly epic...I mean, seriously...don't want to explain for the umpteenth time what we did but let's just say we SHOULD have gotten 1st...that's not me being arrogant it's just that what we were doing was more advanced, time consuming, and difficult than anything else in our category.


But we didn't get 1st...because we didn't set it up right...because her parents wouldn't let me change anything to make it better.


So I'm just kind of mad because number one we should have won but didn't and number two every single contribution I made at all to the project her parents (not her...we're cool it's just her parents that hate me) edited out so I'm feeling like we didn't do as well as I should have AND I'm guilty for not helping her out more.




And it doesn't help that I'm like seriously sick right now and I have so much homework to do before I go to bed.





The Quest for Camelot is a really good movie. I used to watch it over and over when I was younger. And I just found it on YouTube so now, I'm watching it for old time's sake. Man, the memories. And why the hell was I such a weird child?
I used to watch this dolphin movie, like, three time a day.

It had a dolphin... And a girl whose ring squirted water... Damn, can't remember the name. know you're talking about dolphin but I just keep thinking about those really stupid whale know, the ones with the terrible actors and "heart-warming" stories?
Is anyone here vehemently against illegal immigration (if you're here in the US, that is)?
Not really, no.
I'm... not in the US, but illegal immigration is still illegal immigration, and I don't see how anyone could be for it.

Because the illegals pick all of our food and mow our lawns and clean our houses, and it's hell for them to become legalized. 


It's not so much pro-illegal immigration as pro-easier/fairer legalization and workers' rights.

*nods* Well, there is a way to immigrate legally in the first place, which really they should be taking advantage of, but that all sounds fine...


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