I dissaprove of illegal immigration, if only because I don't want America to have a successful economy or a diverse society.
Being evil is fuuuuuuuuuun.
I have one girl in my class who is in EVERY single class with me now. What are the odds of this anyways...?
This really topped last semester with that other one girl who had ALMOST every other class with me. The only class we didn't have together, she was on the same floor.
I... don't know. XD
I've never spoken to her and have only heard her talk twice. But apparently she's fricken smart as hell.
XD But I'm never "sick" anymore. >.>
Although you make a fair point... >:D
And maybe I could "borrow" her notes for English and Social next period because I'm lazy and I never do my work for those classes early because they're easy for me. Science and Math are bitches.
She works for the illuminati so they can keep your psychic powers supressed. You must kill her immediately.
Really though, that's a good deal and hugely helpful.
@Talleh: O.o
...The hell? But didn't you get smart kids Math or something?
@End: Aw dammit. I just killed like FOUR of those guys, and they ruined my shotgun. I'll use my knife collection I suppose.
XD I'm tempted to ask her if I could steal her notes for everything, but I don't know her well so I think that comes off as creepy.
Having a very nice chat with a stranger on Omegle. :D
He keeps calling me 'sir' and I keep on not correcting him. XD
New semester, so new classes and new teachers.
Despite how incredibly eager I seem, I really do not want to play fucking Halo with my little brother. Really. This is my weekend, and I take it as an opportunity to relax and be extremely antisocial.
Also, little brother, you're not being terribly persuasive on the subject. Telling me Bioshock sucks and that I'm a terrible gamer for liking it because zomg it's System Shock 2... yeah, very effective. I like Bioshock. So fuck off.
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