Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Or we can move the discussion past that. Ignore her, maybe?

I'm in love with Pink's new song, "F**cking Perfect."

I AM SO TIRED. I want to stay and watch the ARG, but I'm falling asleep again... I have rehearsal in the morning too. D:

Good night, I'll read over everything in the morning, I guess.

Gah. I keep missing so much of the ARG. All of a sudden I go and decide to have a tangible life outside of the internet. I spend too much time sleeping, i think. But the fact that I can only access it on my phone might have something to do with it.

PS: Is there anything I'm not supposed to say there? Because I forgot what direction we're supposed to be pointing them in.
Drag it out, make them find answers on their own.
So be oblivious. Like I am right now.
Someone just solved your puzzle, guys. "Mother". Valentine needs to disappear to add suspense, this happened way too quickly.
Who is Max.Ride.Rox?
A random, of course.
You've never seen them before?

Weird. They said they'd been there for two years.
No, I mean a random person from MX. They could have been around forever, I don't pay attention to that many people unless they impress me.
>.> God dammit, and I was supposed to post another document tonight... it's one you guys already have, though :\ (The article on ter Borcht which I stupidly used in the box and left visible.)


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