Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I just read a webcomic.


I absolutely love it. :D

Site for the next week of the ARG:


I expect people to want to see 0. This is what they'll be shown:


Well, 1-8 are the files we already made, as discussed in The Gameplan. Val has slow download issues so it should take her all week to go through them.

9 is "locked," and on Friday it will puke up Puzzle 2.

Waiting for my friend to show up. To the movie that I DROVE TO. BY MYSELF.

My petite frame struggles to bear the sheer weight of my own coolness.
This has to be relevant to someone's interests here. I found the original 1924 recording of "Rhapsody in Blue": part one here, and part two here. If I can find a way to I'll be stitching the two recordings together into one.

XD yeah, the audio quality is pretty definitive of recordings from that time.

It still has that funny mood variance. Do you see why I continually post that this should be the official music piece of MR, Fax, and everythng else on that site?

Rhapsody in Blue is well-written.

No shit?


Really though, jazz/parlor piano is my second choice after orchestral, and RiB sits very nicely in between.

No no, that's my disagreement with it describing anything about MR.


In that case I find myself arguing that it is rather because RiB is thematic, with shifting moods, but is either really hectic or really slow. In short, it's a good piece of music for just about anything, but I argue that it's more appropriate than anything else that other people present regarding MR because they forget that Movie soundtracks have their lyrics dropped or heavily supressed.

Now, I'm sure that you may argue that MR is "too good" for Gershwin, but that would be a logical fallacy; music contributes to story, not the other way around, so It would be entirely possible to go and see a MR movie where the entire soundtrack is variations on Rhapsody in Blue and have the music itself still be good and memorable despite the movie; I cite the music versus the writing of the Star Wars prequels as my primary evidence.

Typo, I'm sorry

"Gershwin is "too good" for MR"

I have the soundtrack from Revenge of the Sith. Movie is no good unless you're into crap, but the music isn't so bad.

And I would watch the fuck out of a MR movie scored with variations on / quotations from Rhapsody in Blue, especially if the movie set MR in a cyberpunk-like world.


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