Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'll friend you.

...And I just realized that today was the day I was banned from TTS, a year ago.


o.e It doesn't feel like it's been that long.


Anyway... *leaves*


Some scientists suggest that you can count internet time in dog years in terms of experience. From that perspective, 8 years of my psycho-developmental life has been talking to you people. *Points to Ubermensch Tally as Exhibit A*


But the inverse is also true. Once you stop going on certain web sites, you revert back to real time.

Whoa. o.o


But I thought dog years were 7 to a year. You've been on longer than that.

That's an average inaccurately made from other data. Counters count 10.5 for the first two years, and then 4 years for every year after that. However, because all of us are internet-literate, I consider us more in the 4 range than the 10 range.

Aw shit.


That's 9 + 10.5 + (4 * 6) which means I am officially old as balls in internet years. Or about 34, which is still fuckin old.

... Shit. 


That's like fourteen years on this thing.


I need to get a life then...

Developmental/experiential years, not chronological ones. Think of Angel, but with Internet instead of Mind Reading as a data source.
My nose stings, one of my eyes is watering, breathing feels weird and coughing hurts.

Damn it, I should not have ran.

As for the internet years thing, it is both cool and sensible. I do believe the internet made me grow up exponentially faster than school did...

Playing around with and editing photos. 


And holy shit, no wonder everyone is pretty in pictures. >.> 


Also this makes those poor kids who are Picnic pictures blue look like morons.

...Animal Crossing is much more Animal Crossing-ish in spring, not winter.


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