Don't tell me that shit, I just sat through Criminal Minds. *shakes fist*
Maybe we can commiserate about bad TV.
I'm trying to think of the worst possible tv show or made for tv film I can think of that I willingly watched.
And nothing is coming of worse than Soap Operas. :/ I guess as a kid you really can sit through anything on television. To be fair, out of actual television that people watch for amusement rather than boredom, Fear Itself was a terrible series that has nothing to blame other than itself for getting cancelled.
*proceeds to be distracted by ScriptFrenzy*
On my grandmother's computer...she doesn't even own a modem she's got one of those cables to give her Internet *has no idea what she's talking about but knows from experience that this makes the Internet VERY SLOW* I taught her how to use Chrome today just because I was so tired of how slow Explorer was.
*can't do Script Frenzy because of time constraints*
How're you? I feel like it's been a while since I've had a conversation about life with anyone on this site. Like, this time last year was full of them.
I can't stand Firefox anymore because of Chrome's wonderful speediness.
Today's my first day writing after spending a lot of time in the car and watching TV, so I'm on page 3...
Yeah the whole thing started when she got locked out of her email because her password is ridiculous and we had to go through everything in her life that would have been worthy enough to make a password which made for some interesting stories but the pages took so long to load that I just gave up and went "since you don't have a decent internet we're downloading Chrome"
It's not dial-up, but it is connected to a cable box or something like that...according to the computer it's a local area connection and it goes down when it's stormy like today so we have to call the company about resetting the signal or something
I must admit, I cackled when I read this:
"These findings are especially interesting in light of the unexplained simultaneous disappearance of nearly a thousand high-level corporate citizens during the '51-'52 fiscal year."
(Not Bioshock, just something verrrry interesting. Peter Watts rocks.)
Edit: I'll be damned. Apparently Watts actually inspired the atmosphere of Bioshock 2.
Concert. Must go. o.o
Seether and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus? *drool*
I haven't been to a show since December, and that was a freaking acoustic Relient K show. Before that was some time before winter. I need a show, soon, and this one's only the week after next... Two of my favorite bands, too! D:
I know I'm gonna see My Chemical Romance in May, but this is a much smaller venue with a much larger chance of moshing. XD
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