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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh good.


It was amusing. 


I was actually chit-chatting with someone over the effects of detonating a nuke in Paris -- yeah, it actually will flatten the city (you dumb shit [she thought nukes don't do that]) -- because of a derpfic I wrote.

Send them this, have them skip to 2:50



As for it actually flattening everything, that's debatable, as you see from the structural observations they make..

Nar, she thought nukes literally couldn't flatten a city. (I was thinking "have you seen the photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki?")


If she replies, I'll send her there.

Having been to Hiroshima's museum dedicated to the bombing, I can tell you that that happened because half the buildings in the city at the time were made out of wood and rice paper. The buildings that were made of reenforced concrete, like the hospital, suffered minor damage in comparison.


Then again, that was a comparatively 'weak' bomb. The TB would probably flatten things.

Aye. Dropping TB on a city like Paris would turn skyscrapers into rubble.

Just completed a 25-page fic for a Criminal Behavior class.

Some guy tries to burglarize a house, but the owner set up a booby trap that shoots the burglar. The story is the trial with the burglar pressing charges of Aggravated Assault on the homeowner.

Thankfully, most of it wound up being dry dialogue. It's a court case, after all.

Oh my god Puck is singing Friday.

And it actually sounds GOOD.




*just had a mini spaz attack*

From Moderator Genn's MDW page:

Hey guys, I rarely work this site now, so if you have any issue PLEASE use the Report an Issue link instead of writing me personally. Thanks Apr 20
Chey and others are still there though.
So now they decide to disappear.

I have, so far, written at least 17,000 words in assignments for this paper, and it'll likely be around 25k by the end of it. No wonder my wrists hurt.


On the other hand, this project? You know, the one I have to write to pass? Yeah, due in just under three weeks? So. Fucked.

I just booked my flight. I'll be there shortly to massage your wrists.


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