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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I know, I know.

Started watching through Supernatural, the first season, for the first time.


I don't know why I like it. It's like the horror version of Law & Order, and I can't stand horror. But I like this.

Supernatural is one of my favorite shows. It's fantastic.

So I haven't shared my local newspaper fails of the last couple months with you guys yet.


First, in my art article, they somehow managed to put "she is wants" in there somewhere.


Then, after bin Laden died, the headline covered half of  the front page with the words "BASTARD'S DEAD."

Okay, so that last one was more amusing than anything else. Sometimes I think I'm one of the only intelligent people in my entire state.


Oh yeah, and I feel accomplished because I finished an English project in a single day on a book I never read, and I might even get an A. It's due tomorrow. XD

We once had to read... ooh, what's it called. By Zora Neale Hurston.


Their Eyes Were Watching God (thank you Wiki).


I hated that book. I read all of one chapter and proceeded to wing it on every assignment we did on the rest of the book.


I was messed up, but I genuinely did not have any fucks to give, and that I kind of admire.


I was going to be working at an art store in New Orleans this summer, but then I found out that my aunt who owns it has cancer. 

Finished out World Civ with just over 90%. :D

Thoughts? This is the first educated anti-moderator post I've seen in a while.

I expected all of that to happen. And that's Chey for you...

Also, I got to quote some of my reading from last semester, which is always a bonus in conversations.

"There are no new rules"? Seriously? Goddamn that's some willful forgetting on her part. They kept changing those fuckers!


(And the code of the rules page is deceitful -- no matter when you visit, the rules were last changed today, zomg.)



Sadly, I am now using Firefox (thanks dad >.>) and it seems like too much effort to switch to Chrome. Even if I love it so. However, the first fuck up with Firefox and it's start back to the loving arms of Chrome.


I'm 300 GB less than before, but seeing as that was used for videos (that I lost anyways) it doesn't seem like much of a loss.

=/ This is the seniors' last week of school. I'm really going to miss them.


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