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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So it turns out I managed to save half my videos library.


This is really nice because I was really pissed I had redownload some of those. And most of them took ages. But now I don't. :D Still have to get those books though. :| All 200 of them. Balls.

People, I need a good (Read: Bad) roleplay idea to troll the MDW forums.


My first idea is an island duel to the death between two different teams. Only with powers. Thoughts?

If your goal is to attract the typical RP-ers on that site, it sounds too violent. Make it a duel /for/ something instead.
I see. Makes sense.

Add unnecessary romance. And then you can twist it up. Like, real bad. If your goal is to emotionally scar people, add all sorts of weird romances.

Pedophilia! <3

I was thinking worse than that. XD But then I'd be emotionally scarred too.
Gonna have to try harder, most of the fandom ships two children well under the age of consent.

Writing an essay explaining my obsession with Harry Potter. 


Oh, and weird things about the last couple of days... First of all, I start saying something about this essay, and HP shows up twenty million more times than usual over the weekend.

Second, for the last two days in a row, I had dreams that ended up coming true the next day. I'm just a teeny bit weirded out by this.

Finished my spanish exam.


It was 166 questions long. @_@


Anyways, my current Bioshock theory, based on all the evidence.


Jack, "Wynand," is actually Jack Ryan, a clone of Andrew Ryan (Or possibly illegitimate son.) He's about three or four years old, and was given Dr. Suchong's growth hormone thingy. As for his memories, they were implanted in him via Adam.


The plane he was in at the very beginning? Either it's pilot intentionally crashed near Rapture's entrance, Jack was controlled via a delayed reaction mind control plasmid (Like the hypnotize big daddy plasmids, or the enrage ones, but more coded) and the gift he had was actually a pistol that he used to hijack it to bring it down, or he was brought there by boat, the plane crash was set up, and he was given memories of being on the plane.


Of all of these, the first seems the most likely, the second seems unlikely (If only because the odds of Jack being so precise at knowing when exactly to crash the plane are extremely slim, unless the lighthouse tipped him off) and the third is basically impossible.


Atlas is probably either Fontaine or Andrew Ryan himself--the former either because Frank survived Ryan's attack and went into hiding, the latter being fairly obvious as to the how, less so in the why. The reason I don't believe Atlas to be innocent is primarily because A, this is Bioshock, and everybody and their mother has an agenda, B, his accent keeps slipping and he uses American slang, indicating that he isn't Irish, C all of the Atlas posters, D, the convenience of him never actually coming face to face with Jack, and E, he is, quite frankly, very suspicious.


I'm willing to bet that he's Fontaine--it would be difficult for Ryan to switch accents that fast and have an argument with himself, plus the fact that it'd be one hell of a xanatos gambit. The reason he probably isn't anybody else is simple--I don't know of any other real characters. There's Dr. Suchong, of course, so he might be him, but he doesn't seem to play an important role in the series and isn't the evil big bad type, and there's Sullivan, but he seems nice enough to not be pure evil and lie to Jack. And I don't know of anyone else.


Finally, I believe that Jack will unknowingly kill Ryan, at which point Fontaine/Atlas will do something evil and the game will be over, ending as Fontaine takes control of Rapture and kills Jack. At which point Bioshock 2 starts, where the Big Daddy Protagonist, a resurrected Jack, tries to undo the evil he's unleashed.


Or something.



You have bits and pieces.

But one thing I can tell you for sure is that the Big Daddy in BS2 is not Jack, and to be using the Sportsboost tonic if you haven't already; it makes you walk faster and you seem to be taking forever.

:D Yay.


He isn't? Huh. Never mind, then.


As for that last bit, that's partially because I've been studying for my finals and spent less than three hours over the weekend (Including friday) actually playing the game. I'll get farther come tuesday afternoon, when finals are over.


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