1. Nah man, like uh... ADAM can do fuckin' anything. It's plot goo. (Have you been to Arcadia yet? The ghosts are somewhat explained there.)
2. Yes, I think Wynand was the newspaper magnate in The Fountainhead.
Don't look at my face.
Just got to Arcadia. It actually makes sense now. XD
...That's the thing by Ayn Rand, right?
OK, good.
Yes. Don't bother. Bioshock is better.
(But if you need, say, something to read over a few weeks while eating lunch, it'll do fine. Not a literary masterwork, but you probably won't want to rip your eyes out.)
Given that we're talking about Ayn Rand, who seems to be a major influence in the story (Her name anagrams to Ryan And, the Jack thing, "Atlas Shrugged," and of course the heavy doses of philosophy about society) I'm willing to bet that the inspiration is from her works.
Wait, Jack is at all Rand-related?
(Also, cool fact, but yes, Andrew Ryan anagrams to Ayn Rand and some extra letters. Lol nerds.)
Which I'm beginning to think is faker than I am. XD
Knowing this game, it'll probably just raise more questions...
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