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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What did you think of Ryan's speech before you killed him?

Simultaneously horrifying as I learned just what, exactly, was going on, and beautiful in the badassness of it.


Though, it was a bit disturbing watching his brains get bashed in with a golf club. I mean, yes, he was a badass and all, but I can't abide violence when I'm not in control of it.

Went home in second because my fever is back. Went to the doctor and apparently I have the weird thing that's going around. Still sweating like crazy even though I don't feel that hot, really. Headache will NOT go away. Got a pass to stay out of school until we go back on Tuesday. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow though, since it's opening night, I have an EOC Friday, and I really want to see Cody since I haven't since Saturday, yesterday was our 10 monthary, we haven't seen the new Glee yet, and he won't be here this weekend. 


This 'sick' thing is annoying the hell out of me. And it doesn't help that I'm PMS-ing at the same time. >.<' I'm gonna spend the rest of the night eating chocolate and reading Harry Potter again.

Ah fuck you guys.


I am not magic people, I have been waking up at 5 AM to finish all my work after staying up till 11:30. I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO HELP EVERYONE WITH THEIR DAMN ESSAYS. And I can't say no because everyone begs me and then I feel bad... (That is, until I get a headache from lack of sleep, like right now) >.>



I've been doing that for a while now. That's probably part of the reason I'm sick. :/

I just heard a mechanical voice on the radio telling me to fasten my seatbelts in a commercial.


...The voice sounded suspiciously like GLaDOS.



It is 8:30am.


My research paper is due at 5PM. I'm having lunch with a friend at 1130.


I'm 1/3 of the way through the write up.


Good mix? I think not.

This dumb bitch at school has started a tattoo business for kids who aren't 18.

She's barely 16.

Are you stupid.


/sorry I didn't like her in the first place..

1. Just used a glitch to earn me twice the Adam I usually would have gotten on one level. And I can't find any referrence to it on the internet. Go me.


2. Just pwned the argument that science doesn't prove that people should be treated equally.

1. If it's "spawn extra Little Sister", I have heard that one. If it's not, tell!

Nope. :D I saw the spawn three extra sisters thing on the Bioshock wiki, but this is different. It's basically the equivalent of getting two more little sisters, although technically you just harvest two of them twice.


You know Apollo Square? The level where your plasmids keep on changing, giving you no control over them?


Guess what happens when you start changing after you harvest a Little Sister?


Timing it is presumably difficult, as it seems that you have to start changing after you start harvesting the sister, but I had no problem doing it by instinct. Course, I could have just gotten lucky...


Also, I'm not entirely positive that it works. I wasn't paying attention to my Adam count before I started harvesting them; all I know is that I was allowed to press the Y button twice on them and get the little animation twice, and I seemed to have a lot more Adam than just the 80 after dealing with one of them. I'm probably going to double check it after I confirm that this trick hasn't been busted by anyone.

Oh, that is so neat.


The plasmid switching annoys the fuck out of me, personally, but I might have to investigate that. I think I have an Apollo Square save somewhere.


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