Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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:D We're in the same boat!


Only my essay is due Monday but I want my teacher to read it over so it must be done before lunch tomorrow.

Well, good luck! You're motivated.


I sent mine in at 4:58. Due 5pm. I am awesome. 1 research project in a little over 4 weeks. Aw yeah.


Row, Row, row your boat,

all'a way up shit creek,

Throw the marker overboard,

and listen to 'em shriek.

Yaaay go Omega :D

4.18 PM.


Fuck, I hate referencing.

Fourth essay within the past three days. Brain starting to become delusional (I am singing the same line from a song over and over again...).


Luckily, since my English teacher is weird (but this works in my favour :D) I get to write my English final with 20-40 extra minutes and on a computer in a computer lab instead of the gym. Why? Because I'm "ESL" (English as a Second Language) and yes, technically I am. I learned English when I was three, off the TV. Although, I'm hardly ESL now. I can't read or write in Chinese (well I know 7 words or so...) and I speak with an English (as in like, you speak a foreign language) accent.


Apparently he rounded up every single person who was "ESL" in my class. Including the three Russian girls, two Romanian girls, that one chick who I don't even know her ethnicity, two Persian girls, and me. Sadly, this number does not include any boys because the one who IS "ESL" is registered as English as his first language and the other boys are either A.) second generation Canadians or later or B.) simply never forced to speak their native tongue. Needless to say, other kids were little pissed.

On one hand - ooh, the contrast made my picture all pretty and stuff.

On the other - I fucking hate photo editing and I'm really awful at it and also easily frustrated. I just want a fade-y border, godsdamnit, but I don't know how to work you. >:|


^The world's most handiest picture editor if done RIGHT.


I'm sorry guys, but when the picture of you is blue, it's not cool. That's just freaking lame.

I was using GIMP. I got it where I wanted it, after much trial and error and frustration.


Now it's CSS code that makes me want to kill something...

oh god fuck CSS


I keep wanting to learn it but putting it off.

3 to 4 page paper. I have an hour and a half.
What on?

Genetic traits. I went for "what have I already got materials on" and I'm writing on ankylosing spondylitis. 


It's pretty low-hanging fruit but... I expected nothing different from this class.


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