Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I have to go grocery shopping, but once I'm back I'll be testing that Bioshock possible glitch.

Oh, I know it's a glitch.


The question is, is it a glitch that gives extra Adam? Or just an amusing waste of time?

I wanna know two things about this:


1. Is it reproducible?


2. If so, then does it give extra Adam?

I did it twice, which indicates that, at the very least, my copy of the game will always do it. Whether that's because of some conveniently placed scratch, an error in my Xbox, my copy being old/new and thus having different hardware, or some patch is up for debate. Given that you literally have about a one in thirty chance of getting the glitch (You change plasmids about every thirty seconds, or at least according to the wiki, so assuming you have a one second window of time...) I seriously doubt it actually works, either because it's only on my machine, it's impossible to time correctly, or it doesn't actually give extra Adam and thus nobody has posted it.

Still, I'd recommend you try it. You can have all the glory if you want--I just had an idea and used my instincts to time pressing a button, you're the one who's actually trying to confirm it and going to the trouble of replicating it.


Question: Do you have it on PC or Xbox?

Ah. Aside from controls, is there any difference between the two software wise?

Not that I'm aware of.


I just had a go and while you can trigger the harvesting sounds/animation as many times as you like, you only get the ADAM from one.


Also, your plasmids are on a 45-second cycle. For what it's worth.

asdfghjkl, me. The purpose of removing music from your iPhone was so you could have more space, not so you could go find some more songs to add onto your iPhone. >.> But I like their piano music...

Oh my god this band. <3 I'm addicted to the lead singer. :D


Having done/helped with four essays and wanted to shoot my brains out from Science, I'm taking a break. Subway is giving away free egg and ham melts with 12 oz coffee. Screw Gym and screw Math, I'm going to get some free food. 

Free food - nice!
When, exactly, was the laying down game renamed "planking"?

When the Australians got hold of it apparently, they keep saying planking as a whole is Australian too...


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