Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I was really happy about my first 100 in Bio (one week before our final and on an insignificant quiz) but now am failing with this homework. 


That's okay, I'll just bother my teacher at lunch. 


He thinks I'm really hostile anyways.

Checked my final grade for Genetics and went to grab my ax.


what the hell betch all the information I used was on the site I cited


and then again what do you expect for someone who uses a smiley face


on the assignment









Aww man. I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.

Bad news : So I'm sitting, eating ice cream, and thinking about how much cooler it's been today, compared to the last three weeks. Glance at the thermometer.... It's 94 degrees outside. WHYYY


Good news : I got my first kiss Saturday night at our Theater Banquet. :D

I've wanted a tablet for a while (read: like five years) to use when derping in Paint, but unless I can hock a textbook or something, even a cheapass one is out of my price range.


So I hope you enjoy it :3 Tablets are p. awesome.

Jealous. >.>

Halo 4 announced at E3.

Very psyched. Halo is one of my guilty brainless pleasures.

My brother just downloaded Halo 3 today >.> I'll tell him about this the next time I have a chance.

So I just read this in a "your crazy theories about media" thread:


Personally I think Holmes is totally sociopathic, completely incapable of emotion, but at some point in his past he's made the decision that it's easier/preferable for him to obey the law rather than break it. There are a few scenes in the books where Holmes expresses emotion (usually for Watson's sake) and others where he talks about the value of duty, or nobility, or whatever; my feeling is that these are all fake. Holmes is aware that he's a caustic, disagreeble person who's generally unpleasant to be around and that people wouldn't put up with him if he wasn't A) something of a hero and B) if they didn't see any spark of humanity in him whatsoever. Every scene in the books where Holmes seems to let down his guard, or display emotion, or apparently care for anything but himself is a carefully staged act designed to keep people thinking that, while he may be difficult to get along with, he's basically a decent guy underneath. In actual fact he's a souless bastard, he's just a very clever souless bastard.


Oh shit.

Then what's the violin for?

You could claim "elaborate facade to fool everyone ho ho ho" but come on, the guy already decorates his place of residence by shooting the fucking wall. 


(And you can argue souls until you both turn blue and not get anywhere in the first place.)


Of course I didn't think of that :|

Exam in just over an hour and a half.


Feck, am I ever screwed!


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