Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ah, Southern Hemisphere.  At first I was confused.

Yep, Southern Hemisphere. Even if it isn't acting like it. We're 5-10 deg warmer than usual.
I'll be off in Virginia for the rest of the week. If anything interesting happens, PM me.

Last exam tomorrow and then I'm free. :)


But I haven't studied because I'm lazy. >.> Should do that sometime today... 

Well, it's only Science I guess. I've just kind of given up for this year.  

I've got to stop starting my homework the night before I have an early class. Ends in pain, every time.

It probably didn't make the news anywhere else 'cept maybe Aussie, but we had two big ones on  last Monday - a 5.7 and another 6.3. Thank God, nobody died. I wasn't there at the time, but it's all that's in the news.


Since then, there's been a couple more 5's, and some more 4's, at least 1 a day. Sumner is pretty much screwed, and the centre city - well, it would be easier to bulldoze it. I don't want to go back to that - to big shakes every day and dubious power and water and no sewerage. I don't want to go back to a lab wher I'm sharing with someone else and getting dubious teaching.


Last night at 10:30-ish, there was a 5.4. Very few people slept last night between that and the 13 plus aftershocks. Fuck it. This has been going on for 9 and a half months.


My friend has her exams at the moment. She didn't go to the one last Wed, that her dumbass uni wanted her to finish. Between the quakes and her morning sickness she's not doing well.


I hate this.



Jesus, man. Glad you're all right.
My math teacher keeps talking about "pneumonic" devices. I think you mean "mnemonic".

:D Done all my exams. Am officially free. 

Have made plans to bother my brother who is working at the legislature building as a tour guide. -snickers- I'mma bring all my annoying friends. 

The people who are supposed to be organising my course? Yeah, they've done it again.



Loving the fact that my mom likes Death Note. XD

>.> 84% on my Math final. Oddly enough that's the same as my Social final and now I have the same mark for both classes. O.o Even stranger, I just lack the will to care enough to freak out about it. 


Oh well. There's always next year where it matters more. 


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