Posting about now. I can't talk or reply much on it until later tonight, but I'll have it up and you can start without me.
Here it is:
I feel like I'm making a difference. Even though in reality, I'm not. Our Debate team still sucks, we're still getting owned by OSA, and quite frankly, we're pathetic.
But non-realist (I don't call myself a cynic, I just think realistically which may or may not always be depressing/cynical) Xuut says fuck that. We're fucking awesome and I'mma go wear my responsibility pants like a god damn PRO. Besides, I almost did all my homework!
On another note, fuck it's cold out.
All this time I thought I was a Hufflepuff, and I finally got in to Pottermore and found out that I'm actually a Ravenclaw.
It feels more right, to me, actually... The colors are more like my favorites, it's common room is much more of a place I'd like to be in (I'm not afraid of heights at all...), and it just fits my character more. :D
flatmates. Le sigh.
One side, harpy is arguing with boyfriend, well, was. They've made up now and are talking about something or other.
Other side, flatmate and boyfriend having slightly noisy sex. Awkward.
At least it's friday!
Life is boring as of right now, classes are currently boring.
Calculus 2: Reviewing the Definition of a Derivative snooze.
Solution Chem: Reviewing Redox reactions snooze.
Mechanics: Reviewing Newton's laws snooze.
Graphic Novel: Looking at Kafka's (translated from the original German) Metamorphosis compared to Kuper's graphic novel adaptation. Eh, it's all right, but I'm just waiting for the point when we start on Watchmen.
Modern Cinema: Currently watching Godfather II, as even a three hour class isn't enough time to watch the whole thing we're in the middle, since we don't watch the film all class.
Canoe class: We, wait for it, sit in a canoe and paddle, which I guess will be more challenging in October-November when the water temperature drops like crazy.
On Monday at our school we I guess it was a minute of silence
TTS people were complaining about your trolling (on TTS) on Tumblr. And I was amused.
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