Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Sometimes I think of other people I could have been if-not-for whatever... my exuberantly rambly side amuses me to no end.

(Lol, the format's a little unusual... a-side, b-side, and one "bridge" track between them :\)
Aw, Nathan I wouldn't have you any other way. Your weird rambling, ridiculously intelligent, snarky self is fantastic.^.^

(A side B side? Like a cassette?)
*giggle* Thank you.

(Pretty much. I started out with like fourteen songs and now there's nine, so... if you were sufficiently crazy/determined you could, in fact, burn this to a cassette. Somehow.)

(I actually hear there's a device that you can do that with...I'm excited it'll be like a cassette, I miss listening to tapes)

Me and my brother found a cassette in our house, that was the pokemon show soundtrack. We popped it in and listened to it as loud as possible. XD
I still own and use my old tape player... and got my friend to buy a Walkman the other day :D *nerd nerd*

Incidentally if you did burn this to a tape, track five should go on the A side, because artistically it fits better there >.>

Almost done with writeup, starting upload of files.
*has a drawer of tapes in her house*
I listen to them often. and I have a tape of me and my brother as kids singing songs we made up. It's the best tape ever.

I secretly wish I had that gadget so I could have my tapes on my ipod and my ipod on tapes.

Oh yay!
One song left on the writeup, just uploaded first track. Hopefully this'll work... optimistic posting estimate, like, tomorrow morning maybe?
Oh I'm so excited Nathan!
*secretly moved conversation to end of thread*

Just set the rest of the mix to upload, so yeah, I'll be able to post tomorrow morning :D

It is a pretty rad mix, I hope you enjoy it... god knows I'll have it on loop for days...
XD I'm excited for listening to it. I'll tell you what I think ^.^

I'm off to bed, 'cause I haven't slept much lately and my mother's going to start taking away the Aleeve if I have to many more lack-of-sleep headaches.

I've actually been sleeping a whole lot more lately ._.;; It's probably being banned from MX and now having no reason to lurk... man that place eats time. Without it I don't have anywhere to obsessively check, so I have more time to be like "I SHOULD BE SLEEPING".

I'll comment a link to my LJ at you once I finish uploading >.>
Hiding out in a bathroom... I've snuck on my cousin's laptop, if they find out I'm very dead.


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