Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Can you send me your e-mail so I can add you?

I'm going to use my real one which is slightly awkward.... Or I can give you mine.. which ever one you prefer.
*doesn't want to pry*

You okay?
Holy fucksickles this place has members!
And activity!

-Reacting to this site's growth :3
Feeling excellently psychic today.

Here's why:

Me: *walking to classes with friend* Damn I'm so tired... *yawns*
Friend: Yeah me too. I had trouble falling asleep last night...
Me: *turns and looks at friend* That's a lie.
Friend: What?
Me: I bet you were up in the middle of the night on your labtop watching anime online...
Friend: 0.o How do you know everything?!

Tee hee... I don't even know how I did that...
Listening to the RC mixtape. ^.^
:D *late because of Firefox fail/senior pictures* How d'you like it?
A lot! *may or may not have listened multiple times*
I loved how they were divided by Jeb or Roland...and your ranting about how it connected. ^.^
:D :D Glad you like it.

XD Yeah, because coherent storytelling is for squares. *wanted to split it up that way for no real reason*

I've been thinking about doing, like, a cracky playlist of songs that didn't make it on... or one for Reilly and Kyle. Opinions?



I miss MX. *sigh*

Okay, sorry, forget I said that. I am.... considering starting hw. And mentally writing my French presentation, because winging it might be a bad idea.
Downloading nathan's mixtape :)
I have a magic wand. Fear me.
*Is scared* Megan did you get into my medicine cabinet?


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