Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 14, 2009 at 12:20pm
I figured it out after reading Wiki. Thank god for that site. I hope it's good Colfer is one of the few writers whose books I read as a kid who got better after he started writing.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 14, 2009 at 12:25pm
@Lamp: We always have new sports equipment for anything. It freaks me out. We waste tons of cash on just loosing things inside the gym.
@Fate: O.o We got new ones quite recently, they smell like new text books. Maybe you should tell your Principal about this, education is important. (Totally hypocritical coming from me but meh.)
@Pyro: We can affored 4 different hard cover copies of Twilight (Full series) yet we cannot buy a half decent book like the Book Thief. Yes, we do not have that amazing book. Heck, the school doesn't even have the fifth Artemis Fowl book. The poor, poor, Percy Jackson and the Olympian books, so abused and we only have 1,2, and 3.