Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Yes. All the time, actually.

Too, some us know another's pet peeves. . . . :D
Also, you're going to feel left out here. . .that's just how it is for the first month or so with us. Then you'll get more confident, know everyone a little better. . .and well. . fit in more.

It took me several months before I'd even go an off topic conversation with these guys.
I was quite frankly intimidated by the some of the antis, always thinking I was posting something wrong,etc. Helped this was before the mods, more, back in Dec-Jan. Debates were the only place I really. . .was. Took me a good while to get. . .a little more. . confident with posting.
One week? Two?
Seriously? It doesn't seem like that long ago. Don't leave, the fact that you've lasted two weeks without being that annoyed by us means you'll start to 'fit in.' Like Lamp said, it takes a while to get comfortable with everyone (I've been here for almost three months and still am awkward about posting sometimes.)
You're not going to fit in immediately, I joined waaay back last year 'round X-mas,to be honest the Antis intimidated me. >.> They were kind of scary (Nathan especially, calling everyone fuck face's. XD)

Then after several posts, I started to warm up towards them. After a while I was on a lot which I believe was February. Mind you this was back when everyone swore and harassed each other more or less. I didn't start having some what convos till March, and then of course my laptop died.

Anyways, my point is it takes a little time to get used to new people. Take it from a person whose moved enough times in her life. I know it feels as if you don't really get some of the things we talk about (you should have seen how lost I was after I came back and well, I saw the mess the Mods made), but well, everyone has their own little jokes.

And everywhere is going to be a little slow. Even TTS which has a crap load of members gets slow at certain times.
LOVES Amazon for posting the first chapter of And Another Thing.
*is as close to squeeing as is possible*

*dies* I NEED this book. .. .
*shrugs* Depends...sooner or later though, you'll be used to the*insert correct adjective for stuff that goes on here here* that happens. Patience is a virtue...I couldn't be being more hypocritical right now. XD Sad it is.
.....There's a person on TTS who has Lamp's pic and types intelligently.

It bugs me.
TTS? (Having a stupid moment.)
Ah. *Hasn't read Twilight, doesn't plan to* Is it... interesting?


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