OK, so around the beginning of the school year, I was standing in the lunch line, staring off into space like I normally do. I have ADD. I can't help it. And I can't tell what I'm staring at either. Except, my staring off into space sometimes makes it look like I'm staring at random places. People ask me "What are you looking at?!" and I usually answer with "Huh?" while snapping back into reality. So this guy in line next to me starts talking to me. Later I found that his name is Scott and he's a senior.
Scott: Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy?!
Me: I...wasn't...trying to...
Scott: Okay...
Me: Sorry. I do that a lot.
Scott: Well, you're different...
Me: *start's laughing* I get that a lot.
There was more after that, but you get the picture. I see him, like, every day at lunch now. Mostly just a funny face, hi, laugh, etc. Today I was standing with my friends at lunch, and Scott came over to our group. Everyone was talking about random stuff, blah blah blah. Scott walks up behind me and says: "I just realized that I've never given you a hug." Then he just hugged me! It was so weird, but funny, and afterward he left and I couldn't stop laughing and all my friends were making fun of me. It was hilarious.
I usually don't either... My best friends don't hug me, cause they know better. He was only the second guy relatively close to my age who's ever hugged me before. He's two years older than me! That was just so weird... But cool at the same time.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 16, 2009 at 10:57am
XD Did you tell him it was hug an Asian day? Maybe he knew.
And if you're not Asian I don't care, you're a direct descendant of Genghis Khan and but it's so racially mingled you can't tell. And yes, I've been re-reading Hitch Hiker's Guide to a Galaxy.