I don't even remember when I joined MX, but I know that in 2010 MR fandom will have existed for 5 years. I'll have been in said fandom for four years next July. Woo.
I'm probably somewhere around the same... But I don't think I'll really count until somewhere around May, because that's when I started to actually think. Before that, I was a really stupid n00b who called herself the evil insane fangirl aka Chelsea the Flying Vampire. *shudder*
I believe some of my rants sounded something like "FANG WILL DUMP MAX AND JOIN ME AND WE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD THROUGH HIS BLOG!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!" Urgh. >.<'
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 27, 2009 at 12:12pm
Eh. I was a lurk so.
Well, I had an argument with a Twilight Fangirl who could "see" the future. Then I kind of was on and off. Then I got active 'round March then my laptop died....